Automobile Accidents
As Florida automobile accident attorneys, the lawyers at Stone & Capobianco are committed to providing you with the high quality of legal representation you need when you have been injured or suffered a loss due to an automobile accident. According to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle website,
there were 227,998 traffic accidents in Florida in 2011, with 2,400 fatalities and over 181,000 injured in car accidents. Sadly, many of these victims either died or suffered painful injuries from accidents caused by the reckless or careless driving of others.
Even at relatively low speeds, a car accident can have terrible, life-changing effects on the occupants of the vehicles involved. Anyone who has been involved in such an accident or has lost a loved one due to the negligence of another driver needs the services of a qualified personal injury/wrongful death attorney – and the sooner the better.
That’s because a recent change in Florida law drastically reduced the time allowed for a person injured in an automobile accident to see a doctor in order to obtain the personal injury protection (PIP) benefits available to them under most automobile insurance coverage. As a result, if you are injured in an automobile accident, you now have only about two weeks to exercise your right to claim those benefits.
Common Causes of Accidents
In our experience, the most common causes of automobile accidents that result in a negligence claim include:
• Texting
• Eating/drinking
• Cell phone use
• Aggressive driving
• Mechanical defects
• Careless/inattentive drivers
• Impaired drivers (DUI, DWI)
• Sleepy/fatigued drivers
• Construction activity/debris
If you have suffered a loss or serious injury that due to the negligence or reckless behavior of someone else, you may be entitled to recover damages. Compensation may be awarded to you to for medical expenses, rehabilitation, physical therapy, lost wages, disability, pain and suffering and other losses incurred as a result of your car accident. Stone & Capobianco will thoroughly investigate your accident and work to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company that will ensure you are fully and fairly compensated.
Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle accidents are all too common, with many caused by motor vehicle drivers who act like they own the road. Adult and child bike accidents can leave the victim with serious head injuries or permanent disability. Our law firm is committed to holding drivers who cause such injuries accountable. The attorneys at Stone & Capobianco are experienced in handling claims like these, and will pursue justice for you throughout your case.
It is your right to be compensated for your injuries and any medical expenses incurred as a result of those injuries. The compensation should also cover any wages or other earnings lost as a result of being injured. Before you contact your insurance company about your claims, you should contact a personal injury attorney who specializes in bicycle injuries for a free consultation. He or she will be able to advise you on what you need to do in order to get the maximum settlement possible under the circumstances.
The attorneys at Stone & Capobianco specialize in all types of Personal Injury law including bicycle accidents, auto accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, nursing home abuse, slip & falls and wrongful death.
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycles are fuel-efficient and fun to ride, which make them popular as a transportation alternative. But what happens if you or your loved one suffers a crash while riding a motorcycle? Unlike cars and other four-wheeled vehicles, motorcycles offer drivers and passengers little to no protection in an accident, even with helmets. That’s because even if the rider takes all necessary precautions, accidents can happen due to the negligence of others, and injuries and trauma in such situations can be extremely severe.
Most Important things to do in case of Motorcycle Accidents in Florida:
- Get the name, address, and driver’s license number of all other drivers
- Get the name and address of the owners of all vehicles involved if different from the drivers
- Get the license plate number and insurance information of all vehicles involved
- Get the name, address, and phone number of any witnesses
- Call law enforcement to make an accident report
- Take photos of the damage to all vehicles, even using your cell phone
- Get immediate medical attention for any and all injuries you sustained in the accident
- Call Stone & Capobianco to learn about and protect your legal rights
If you have suffered a loss or serious injury that due to the negligence or reckless behavior of someone else, you may be entitled to recover damages. Compensation may be awarded to you to for medical expenses, rehabilitation, physical therapy, lost wages, disability, pain and suffering and other losses incurred as a result of your car accident. Stone & Capobianco will thoroughly investigate your accident and work to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company that will ensure you are fully and fairly compensated.
Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents are more common than you might think. In fact, according to the Federal Highway Safety Administration, 59,000 pedestrians are injured roadway crashes annually, and pedestrian fatalities account for about 12 percent of all traffic fatalities.
More pedestrians are killed or injured while crossing roads either at busy intersections or stepping out between parked cars than any other cause, and whether texting, talking on the phone or simply not paying attention, distracted and careless drivers are to blame for most pedestrian accidents. Taking one’s eyes off the road for mere seconds can result in a devastating injury to people walking, running or cycling near the roadside or in a crosswalk.
When a pedestrian is involved in a motor vehicle accident they are at risk for countless serious injuries. Pedestrians who survive an accident frequently come away with catastrophic injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), broken bones, dislocated joints and spinal cord injuries.
Some of the most common negligent practices by motorists include:
- Failure to observe posted speed limits
- Failure to stop or yield at posted intersections
- Failure to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians at marked crosswalks
- Disregard for traffic lights and signs
Drivers of cars, truck and other motor vehicles in Florida have a legal duty to watch for and yield to pedestrians at all marked intersections and crosswalks. When they don’t, and people are injured as a result, we believe they should be held accountable.
Sports Accidents
Millions of athletes, from young children to professionals, experience sports-related injuries each year in the United States. Many of them suffer serious injuries and even death. While generally accidental, these injuries sometimes are cause by negligence and thus warrant legal action.
When children are involved, any number of circumstances can lead to a sports injury. A football injury may be caused by a coach who failed to follow proper safety procedures during practice, or gave his players improper gear (such as a defective helmet). Other causes might be insufficient supervision, poor training, inadequate medical care, or unsafe premises such as fields, rinks or courts. Other cases may involve an injury or accident that wasn’t the fault of the sports organization at all.
Even when parents sign liability release forms with schools, municipalities and businesses, there can be exceptions if an injury results because of negligence.
Has your child suffered a severe personal injury or wrongful death while involved in an organized sport? Do you think the accident was caused by the negligence of the coach or some other party involved in the organization? If you or a loved one suffered a serious sports-related injury that may have been caused by negligence, you should contact a sports injury lawyer for a free evaluation of your case.
Slip and Fall Accidents
Accidents known as slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall are included under the broad heading of premises liability cases, and they can involve serious injuries, especially for older people. The basic concept of premises liability is that owners of property like stores and businesses have a duty to maintain a safe environment for the public. That means keeping floors, stairs, elevators, escalators and other building components in good working condition and free of hazards and obstacles.
Wet or uneven floors, loose stair railings, inadequate lighting and boxes or debris left in walkways or aisles are all common causes of slip-and-fall accidents that may result in a claim of negligence against a property owner. If the accident was caused by the negligence of a store or other business, we believe they should be held accountable.
Truck Accidents
Trucking accidents often yield catastrophic injuries and wrongful death because of the enormous weight disparity between semi-trucks and passenger cars and the sheer force of impact when they collide. A fully loaded “big rig” like a semi-truck or tractor-trailer may weigh 80,000 lbs., which is more than 25 times the weight of a typical passenger car. The massive weight and length of tractor-trailers alone make them more prone to collisions simply because of their handling limitations. But there are other factors that contribute to these accidents.
Some of the most common factors that contribute to trucking accidents in Florida include the following:
- Overloaded trucks
- Improperly secured loads
- Drivers violating hours of service rules (HOS) designed to prevent driver fatigue
- Failure to perform required safety inspections
- Inadequate big-rig maintenance
- Lack of care by the trucking company when hiring, training or supervising truck drivers
- Inattentive truck drivers multi-tasking with cell phones and other distractions
- Truck drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol
- Lack of awareness of tractor-trailer “no zones” (large blind spots)
- Drivers with medical conditions like diabetes, narcolepsy or that are otherwise medically unfit
- Tires that are defective or that have improper tire pressure
- Defective components and systems on the big-rig
- Unsafe route selection
- Failure of commercial drivers to adapt their driving to bad weather
There are a number of unique issues involved in trucking accidents, especially if a large corporation is the owner of the truck or the employer of the driver. s those who suffer severe injuries or wrongful death in trucking accident collisions should retain an experienced trucking accident lawyer with an established record of substantial verdicts and settlements against trucking companies.
If you or a loved one have been involved in trucking accident please contact our office for a free case consultation. The attorneys at Stone & Capobianco specialize in all types of Personal Injury law including bicycle accidents, auto accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, nursing home abuse, slip & falls and wrongful death. If you have any questions, please contact our firm today for a free case consultation. Call 772-781-4357 today.